Time and Time Again I Got to Turn Around and Teletubbies

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Congratulations! You made it into your third decade in this torso. That is an achievement of which to be proud. As I remember my get-go three decades, there were a lot of uncertainties. Other people seemed to have all the answers. Past 30 I was even so trying to figure things out. During that time I would accept really appreciated someone telling me some vital things. So, hither I sit, fingers poised above keyboard once more with the purpose of imparting some difficult won wisdom to you lot in the hopes that it will salve you a few sleepless nights.

1. You can exercise whatsoever you want in life.

There are step by step means to accomplish any goal. If it has been achieved by someone else, all you lot have to do is choose your virtual mentor and follow in his or her footsteps. If you are doing something that has non been washed earlier, it is more than challenging but your path can exist mapped out if you have notation of the things that take worked for you and those that have not. Do the things that work and pitch the ones that don't.


2. There is e'er something you can learn in whatsoever discipline or situation.

The saddest thing I have ever seen is the man who knows everything. You watch him fail time subsequently time with the obvious reasons for failure staring him in the face. All the same he continues to make the same mistakes and each time his losses multiply. Yous try to sympathise this person but he won't heed to reason nearly how to handle his situation. He simply goes on knowing best most everything. Be the person who actively looks for new things to acquire. Be willing to let go of a notion if it doesn't work.

3. If yous want to exist successful hang around with successful people.

Your own thoughts, ideas and considerations about things shape your futurity. We live our ideas. For example, if you have an idea that it is noble to be poor, y'all will live your life in such a way as to remain poor. If this idea is sunk into your subconscious, you don't even know you are interim it out in life. A good exercise, when things are not going well in life, is to sit down and write out all of your thoughts and considerations virtually the matter you are having trouble with. Go rid of the ones that hold you back.

four. In that location is no magic to earning your living.

Or existence filthy rich (Side note: why is it that adjectives describing being wealthy are negative like "filthy" or "stinking"?). Money is not magical. It doesn't just fall to earth like drifting snowfall and land on those who are "lucky". People who accept coin realize that coin is a reward for providing appurtenances and services to someone who needs them. The level of necessity for these items and the level of skill required for the service or item are what determines the toll of your labor. If you are an auditor and information technology is budgeted tax deadline, you lot will be busy and brand lots of money. If y'all are on the street selling expensive pencils that no i wants, you will starve.

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five. There is nothing incorrect with charging money for your services.

It would be wonderful if we all could requite abroad our goods and services whenever nosotros want to, but the bottom line is that nosotros take to support ourselves and nosotros practice deserve some reward for our labors. Of course we do have to help other people. At that place are times when you will volunteer to work and advance a crusade or an organization, but don't do this at the expense of your own life and health, or the life and wellness of your family who depend on you.

six. Sacrificing yourself never works out.

There will be times when you will be fabricated to feel that you should put yourself terminal. You will be encouraged to forsake your family to go alee. All of this is expected, and sometimes necessary, just it is up to y'all to discover the remainder and insist on it being kept. Your boss may desire yous to piece of work all night so he can exist ready for a presentation the next 24-hour interval. If this happens once in a bang-up while, it could be okay only if he expects this every week and gives you no extra time off to handle other areas of your life, it is unethical for y'all to do it. And it is probably unethical for you to be working for someone with such poor planning skills. Your skills and effort could exist much more useful elsewhere.

seven. You lot are responsible for every activeness y'all take in life and every condition your life is in.

This sounds harsh and I had a hard time with that until I asked myself, "Who is the virtually motivated person to see that my life works out the way I want it to?" The reply is ME. So the adjacent question is, "Who is actually going to accept responsibility to ensure that my life works out the fashion I want information technology to?" Once again, there is only one answer. Yes, your mom and your married woman and anybody who cares virtually you want your life to work out but who is the ane who makes all of the bajillion everyday decisions that drive your life? It is you.


8. There are some things they don't teach you in school.

When I was 20, I had a lot of problem with banking. I simply could not accurately predict how much money I had in my account at whatever given time. Information technology wasn't until my sister saturday me down and went over how to rest my checkbook that I  learned that you lot even could rest a checkbook! I was pretty naïve simply that simple piece of information changed everything. Observe out ways to learn things that may not exist taught to you.

9. School doesn't work for everyone.

Especially in this solar day and age. Schoolhouse gives you data. Many times, unless you take a stellar teacher and stellar textbooks, the information comes at you and there is no indication which facts are important and which are not or even whether they are correct. Yous are tested, not on how to use the data you take learned, but on trivia. Who cares what exact date a battle started on? What is infinitely more important is what went wrong in society at that time that warranted a battle and how can we avert that situation today? That is the vital information, not the date! When y'all are given information, ask yourself, "How am I going to USE this information?" If y'all can't see how to use it, forget it. If y'all accept been having trouble with school, terminate thinking that you accept failed and starting time looking at whether or not school has failed you lot.

10. Non anybody who is an "authority" is right.

Whenever anyone gives you any data, bank check it over for yourself and see if information technology works for you lot and seems right. If it doesn't seem correct, don't rely on it. There is more simulated information out there than true information. You merely accept to effigy out which is which.

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11. Drugs are a fast rails to nowhere.

At that place is a lot of hype most drugs today, both medicinal and street drugs. Sympathize that a torso kept in good condition, given the vitamins and nourishment information technology requires, repairs itself. If you are having trouble, await to diet commencement unless it is a medical emergency. With regard to recreational drugs, these are poisons and they will not get yous where y'all want to go in life. People use these drugs to handle a problem they are having. Observe out what the problem is and face information technology! Effigy out a solution or get help with that problem. Yous tin't medicate your mode through life. It doesn't work and it is extremely harmful.

12. Life is fluid.

Life changes every 2d of every day. If yous accept fixed ideas nigh how it is supposed to be and how yous volition handle things, you will take wrong steps. In any given situation, look at it and actually encounter it. Plan your actions accordingly. Operating on fixed ideas and deportment will simply accept you so far. Actual observation and action is e'er best.

xiii. Stick to what you know is correct.

There are times in life where you will disagree with just nearly everyone else. This does not mean yous are wrong. Sometimes a lot of people tin be wrong all at the same time. If this were not truthful, Hitler would have been squashed the first minute he started talking. Instead Germany immune him to decimate a large portion of the globe. Being the one phonation of reason is non popular but it is the merely path to happiness.


14. Truth and integrity are your most valuable assets.

You see what you come across and deep down, y'all know the truth well-nigh things. Don't divert from your course considering someone else doesn't like it. Don't agree with someone just to keep the peace. Any peace you can go on this planet is bought through strength and integrity. It is maintained through the idea that you lot exercise not correspond lies and bad ethics. Integrity and truth are the seat of your power. If you let these things go, you have nothing.

fifteen. Be the rising tide.

The rising tide lifts all boats. This argument is my motto in life. In EVERY action I take, I look to see which action will elevator the most people. Then I practice that action. It never fails. Information technology helps a lot of people and information technology always, ever, always results in a huge benefit for me. Y'all MUST include yourself in your calculations of how many people do good.

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16. Sometimes life is uncomfortable.

This cannot be avoided but if you acquire from the discomfort, you tin can minimize it in the hereafter. Don't fearfulness discomfort merely when it occurs. Figure out how to modify information technology.


17. Life demands ownership from y'all.

There are people who go through life being buffeted about by every strength, big and small, and never practise anything unless someone or something forces them to practice information technology. This is a miserable way to live. How much better is information technology to decide to make things happen and and so exercise it? Life is much easier when you lot are in charge and very unsafe if y'all are not.

18. Practice non look for validation from others for doing the right matter.

Many times in life I have had to go against the status quo in social club to right a incorrect. I was dumbfounded when I got hit in the face with anger, back stabbing and outright threats. It is not pretty simply you always accept to practise what your consciences tells you to practise.

19. Do not seek revenge.

Revenge for the sake of revenge never feels good when information technology is carried out and, believe information technology or not, it ties you to the person that you lot have taken revenge confronting. Y'all volition never be free of that person in your thoughts and mind thereafter. Sometimes yous practice have to human action against a person to end the harm they are wreaking on others. This is a right action in the g scheme of things. Simply revenge but for revenge's sake is evil. I don't care how many movies make information technology seem okay.


20. Not all people are sane.

I know this seems like a no brainer merely I am amazed at how often people brand excuses for those acting crazy. It is as if people think that insane people do exist but unless they are raving they are not insane. Insanity manifests in many ways. It can be overtly insane like a murderer or other criminal, or it tin can be covert. Underground backstabbers and those who mentally abuse are bang-up examples. They create havoc in relationships and ruin people's lives. This is insane behavior despite that fact that TV and movies make it announced "normal".

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21. The people in your life are the most of import affair in that location is.

Back in 1989, we had an earthquake here in California and it was devastating. When the shaking stopped there was an eerie calm cleaved merely by the sounds of a woman screaming. She screamed for minutes and finally stopped. Once I realized that I was not injured, my first thought was for my neighbors and when I constitute that they were okay I chosen everyone I knew. In fact, everyone was calling everyone they knew and the phones were down. The lesson from this is that when disaster strikes, you don't give a flying hoot in Hell most your possessions. All y'all intendance almost is the people you love.

22. Focus more on the good in life and not the bad.

The good things in life are what make it worth living. If y'all focus on the negative things, yous will not be happy. We practise accept to give some consideration to the bad in life but make sure the expert overbalances it.


23. Y'all have many people, but your kids have only you.

If yous lose a friend or a lover, you can find another i even if y'all are devastated. Your kid can never discover another mom or dad. They admire y'all from the moment they are built-in and look up to y'all. Do non take this lightly. Treat them and practise not take unnecessary risks with your life. They cannot replace  y'all.

24. Your enemies will look attacks but will never expect compassion.

Weirdly, the reverse of what your instincts tell you to do in situations where you are under attack is mostly correct. There will be occasions where yous volition accept to act and harm another person if that person needs to be stopped for the good of everyone, only most times compassion and advice will succeed where strength does not. Swallowing your acrimony and making an endeavor to communicate and iron things out is effective many times. Even when it is not, it reveals the strength in you lot. It takes strength to be the better man or adult female in a conflict. This makes yous a formidable power.

25. You are doing okay.

Y'all are a skillful person. Y'all are trying your best and you volition make mistakes. Mistakes occur when y'all effort new things. This is a skilful thing! Life is crazy, wild and unpredictable. No one has it all figured out. Half the fun is getting to know information technology and making it piece of work for you lot. When you do this, you will have an unforgettable life.

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Source: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/25-things-you-must-know-the-time-you-turn-30.html

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