Path of the Furon the Nexos Art of Fact

Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon is a Wide-Open up Sandbox Activity-Adventure video game developed by American studio Sandblast Games and published by THQ for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

It's The '70s and Cryptosporidium-138 and Orthopox-13 have set up their own conflicting-themed casino in Las Paradiso. Afterwards forcing to fight off the mafia trying to interfere with their business, Crypto encounters The Master, a Furon who had lived on Earth for hundreds of years who is willing to teach Crypto his means.

Path of the Furon was the last game in the Destroy All Humans! franchise to be published before the franchise would go fallow until the showtime game would be remade in 2020.

Destroy All Tropes!

  • Accidental Misnaming: Emperor Meningitis addresses Crypto as "Klepto".

    Meningitis: Pox? Is that you? What accept you done with your trunk? And what's that with you? Oh, it'south your trivial business firm boy, Klepto!
    Crypto: CRYP-TO.

    Meningitis: Whatever!

  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Crypto scoffs as the idea of Bigfoot beingness real despite being an alien.
  • Astral Finale: The final level is attack the Furon Homeworld. In this case, it doubles as a massive infinite-station.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatsoever: In that location are four giant enemies that try to kill Crypto. The Nexo Walker, who become a Degraded Boss after their first appearance. The Nexo Dragon, which is a gigantic mechanical Chinese alien dragon. The Nexo Squid, which is a gigantic conflicting squid that's large enough to wrap itself effectually the Eiffel Belfry. And Emperor Meningitis's robotic bust, a giant floating robotic head modeled after the Furon Emperor himself, and acts equally his last line of defense confronting Crypto.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Your primary enemies, the Nexos, serve as the police for for the Fourth Ring. Their weakest level is blue, their medium level is the regular green, and the toughest level is red.
  • Comically Small Ransom: The beginning has Pox heavily berating Crypto for becoming lazy in his new casino, enjoying the luxuries of human life for almost a decade instead of continuing his mission of gathering Furon Dna. Crypto offers him a 5% cut of the profits coming, making Pox instantly alter the field of study to how he constitute a mole from a rival casino trying to sabotage their money making scheme.
  • Cool Auto: Furon anti-gravity cars are a prominent feature on the Fourth Ring of Furon.
  • Cool Former Guy: The Master, who happens to be an ancient Furon politician who fled the Furon homeworld to escape political injustice. He landed on Earth and took up practicing martial arts, ultimately developing a time-control Psychokinetic ability.
  • Cutscene Incompetence: So the Master is a martial arts skillful and invented a psychic power to control fourth dimension. He dies twice, one on purpose to his ex-apprentice Saxon. The 2d? Pox smacks him into a wall and turns him into paste.
  • Eiffel Belfry Effect: Happens with Belleville (the Paris pastiche), where the Eiffel Tower serves as the centerpiece of the map.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • "They're not high, just I got em'!"
    • When Crypto finds out The Master has died, he goes into mourning... until information technology's discovered information technology was only a set up-up.
    • While Crypto is ever happy to slaughter humans, he is against attacking his own people. Until Pox gives him a quick reminder, anyway.
  • Evil Overlooker: Subverted/inverted. The Master on the third game'southward box fine art would qualify.
  • Evil Program: Everything was planned by the Master as a role of his plan to usurp the Furon throne and go Crypto to impale Emperor Meningitis.
  • Face–Heel Turn: The Main in Path of the Furon once it is revealed he is The Chessmaster behind the entire plot.
  • Gangsterland: Invoked in Las Paradiso with the Italian mob enemies.
  • Gay Paree: Belleville is effectively a satirized version of Paris.
  • Gratuitous Disco Sequence: Disco Fever replaces the Free Dear ability.
  • Groin Attack: The Nexo Walker's weakness, although they technically aren't testes...
  • Hollywood California: The Sunnywood acts as the Theme Park Version of this.
  • Insistent Terminology: The Master insists on pronouncing Shen Long by stretching out the "Long".
  • Interspecies Romance: Taken Up to Eleven, where the unabridged Furon race has been gradually recloned with ballocks. The Furon men find human women more than attractive.
  • Irony: Crypto tortures a Jack Nicholson Expy for having a grating voice. Crypto'south voice is a subtle Jack Nicholson impersonation.
  • It Will Never Take hold of On: Crypto pitches a series of video games to Pox, such as a game about a plumber who defeats his enemies by jumping on them, a hedgehog that runs really fast and a space marine on a ring shaped planet. Pox considers them all to be stupid ideas.
  • Ley Line: According to the "Lunarian Church building of Alientology", they are "invisible rivers of mystical energy", and they desire to build where the ley lines cross in order to utilize them to communicate interstellar distances with their minds.
  • The Man Behind the Human being: The Master. Crypto believes his enemy is Short Calvin, supposedly some other Furon DNA gatherer. And then, afterwards meeting the Principal, Crypto believes his enemy is really Saxon, who supposedly used Calvin to try and destroy Crypto. It and then turns out that Saxon was under the use of Francodyne CEO Henri Crousteau. It is and so revealed that Saxon and Crousteau were both part of Emperor Meningitis's operation to manufacture Synthetic DNA. And so afterward killing Meningitis, the Chief appears and reveals that he was the actual conspirator all along, using all of them, including Crypto, in club to usurp the Furon throne. Talk near circuitous and confusing!
  • Mars Needs Women: Invoked when the majority of the Furons' male population gets genitalia for the first time.
  • Mechanical Lifeforms: Nexos, to a certain extent. They're identified as a car race, similar the Transformers or Geth.
  • Mistaken Identity: Pox says that he has a pb on the local criminal offence boss of Shen Long, Saxon, and demands Crypto to head downtown and blow up a couple buildings and abduct well over a hundred humans to catch him. By the end of the mission, Pox admits that he mistook some random human for Saxon.

    Pox: You know all humans look the same!

  • My Decease Is Just the Beginning: The Primary stages his death in order to win Crypto's trust and set up his plan in full move.
  • Nerf: The Disintegrator Ray gets a major damage downgrade and fires considerably slower.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Pocket-sized human characters include Lucalberg, Sammy and Faire, Legg Tallman, and Tony the Dance King.
  • No Fourth Wall: By the tertiary game, the 4th wall never even existed.
  • Apparently Evil: Pox tin tell right abroad that The Master is evil, or that he at to the lowest degree shouldn't be trusted.
  • Old Principal: The Master is the Furon equivalent, supernatural martial arts and all.
  • People Zoo: In the Fourth Ring of Furon, in that location is Funky Town, a "human habitat" so that Furons can "ogle at the wild weird means of earth monkeys."
  • Properly Paranoid: General Armquist is seen equally highly paranoid past those effectually him, something Crypto uses to sabotage his directive to bring the military branches together against the Furon threat.
  • Take That!: "Alientology" is a thinly-veiled parody of Scientology.
  • Tornado Motion: Crypto's saucer the Tornadotron, a weapon that can exist used to class and command a massive tornado that sweeps everything in its path into the heaven while it's active. It tin can fifty-fifty be used while invisible for the illusion of a natural disaster wrecking the city. Do Not Touch the Funnel Deject is in partial consequence hither, as cars and helicopters demand to be somewhat close to the funnel be flung.
  • Unrealistic Black Hole: The final handheld weapon unlocked in Path of the Furon in the Blackness Hole Gun, a device that develops a black hole in the area it's pointed at. When formed, all humans, vehicles and debris nearby will exist pulled and absorbed into the hole, killing them instantly, so releasing all of their brains into a pile earlier dissipating. It takes a while to charge upwards, tin can merely be fired twice when fully upgraded before needing ammo, and leaves Crypto unable to do anything else while he forms the black pigsty, just it can clear a whole block'south worth of enemies quickly.
  • Venus Is Wet: Pox claims that Venus used to be lush and sustained life before the Furon Empire turned into a "cocky-perpetuating inferno." While it is never clarified as to why they did that (though it tin can't be hard to guess with the Furons), the last remaining thing from this time in Venus' history are spore samples from a carnivorous plant species that would be used as ammo for the Venus Human Trap weapon.
  • Viva Las Vegas!: Las Paradiso.
  • Weirdness Conscience: The reason why Pox and Crypto use the Venus Human Trap to cause havoc in Sunnywood is because a Botanical Anathema is and then out-at that place for humanity at large, only someone actively looking for supernatural stuff to report on would bother investigating it.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Veronica Stone. After getting her the story of sending the Neo Walker into the corrupt law station, she is neither seen or heard from again.
  • You Kill It, Y'all Bought It: Double example — The Master'south plan is substantially regicide. After Crypto kills Meningitis, he gets Orthopox to kill the Master, who so decides to stick effectually every bit Furon Emperor.
  • Zillion-Dollar Bill: Furon Deoxyribonucleic acid acts equally this.


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